Association Rules

Constitutional Ammendments

Sr. No.Details of Ammendments Details of GBM approval Details of confirmation
1The provision of existing quorum of 15% attendance was amended considering the expenditures and efforts involved in conducting the meetings as :"There shall be no compulsion of quorum for EBM'S and GBM'S of the association, if the meeting is called well in time as per rules." GBM held at Nainital hosted jointly by Moradabad & Bareilly Chapters under the President ship of Ar. H. K. Agarwal.Confirmed in the next meeting.
2Frequency of Executive Council Meeting was changed from 3 months interval to 4 months interval Item No. 7 of minutes of 23rd GBM at Agra on 22.04.2007 Confirmed in 24th GBM held at Moradabad
3Timings of General Body Meeting was changed from the month of December to the month of October/ November. Item No. 8 of minutes of 23rd GBM at Agra on 22.04.2007 Confirmed in 24th GBM held at Moradabad
4The provision of annual membership was abolished and only the provision of life membership will continue. General Body Meeting held at Meerut.  
5The life membership fees was increased from RS. 1500/ to RS. 5000/ General Body Meeting held at Meerut  
6The President shall have the power to grant the membership of the U.P.A.A. Directly as per bye-laws.   
7The chapter of U.P.A.A. or the Association in different cities shall be the constituent of U.P.A.A. which should be written on the letter head of the Chapter stationary.    
8Ar. Y. Chandra, founder President & Constitution writer is designated as Patron of the U.P.A.A. GBM of U.P.A.A. held at Noida. 
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